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DavidNow accepting applications as of Feb 5 2024172 days ago
Gamer30no190 days ago
jable223its been 4 days pls accept my application beg u217 days ago
radoo2losers276 days ago
MECK_99NULL356 days ago
MECK_99Please accept my application, I have been inactive for past 6 months, I want a permanent356 days ago
DavidNULL568 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
DavidNULL573 days ago
Gamer30831 days ago
captain_maddogthe court gib me many assignment to do lmao867 days ago
captain_maddogwhy i'm get removed, i'm just not active for a month. 867 days ago
JulseCi got remove from the airline again ._. its not been 2 weeks since i log in891 days ago
captain_maddogone of our hydra almost broke895 days ago
Gamer30Yanix, it's as following: Luft - han - sa920 days ago
JulseC{{FF0000} Thanks For the{000000} promotion923 days ago
captain_maddogone of our baggage car is almost broke. the odo too high.928 days ago
YanixLuf - thansa? or Luft - hansa?974 days ago
Gamer30Windows cannot run standard applications under OS/2.991 days ago
HoneyNULL994 days ago
HoneyHello1058 days ago
Honeyhelo1062 days ago
Gamer301094 days ago
Hannah_SwiftNULL1115 days ago
Gamer30June is done; time to be straight.1122 days ago
Gamer30Tomorrow no more as it will be 1st day of July.1122 days ago
YanixSProMaxPlusRainbow Up MotherF*ckers! We Gay Today! 1148 days ago
JakeN2436zubSAD1171 days ago
Taylor_Swift_OSWhy would anyone use Krap-Melon?1176 days ago
Taylor_Swift_OSStan's going to kill me.1188 days ago
Gamer30Thank you for Driving Lufthansa!1191 days ago
Taylor_Swift_OS"fuck shit laa" Atreea1191 days ago
Gamer30{0033CC}"Thank you for Flying Lufthansa!", said David.1192 days ago
Gamer30{FF0000}R{FF8000}A{FFFF00}S{80FF00}T{00FF00}A1192 days ago
Gamer30STETZhansa1192 days ago
Gamer30{FF0000}J{FF7f00}P{FFFF00}2{C0FF00}G{60FF00}M{00FF00}D1192 days ago
Gamer30Stan Airline1192 days ago
Taylor_Swift_OSWe're broke!1202 days ago
Taylor_Swift_OSServicing Nevada1202 days ago
Quorthonnhentai.net1206 days ago
Taylor_Swift_OSWhere is everyone?1208 days ago
Gamer30What is this?1221 days ago
Gamer301221 days ago
Gamer301221 days ago
Gamer30STETZ1239 days ago
Gamer30JP2GMD1249 days ago
Gamer30Whatever, Cat guy.1249 days ago
TwilightMontanaWINNY PLS BUY MY SEASPARROW.1257 days ago
TwilightMontanaIt was not a lie!1257 days ago
Gamer30For sure!1257 days ago
TwilightMontanaI donated 100$. Can I have it back?1257 days ago
Gamer30If you use cassette recorder with IBM PC you are insane.1257 days ago
TwilightMontanaJP2GS!1257 days ago
Akiyamahauwuu1267 days ago
TwilightMontanaServicing the Planes.1282 days ago
Quorthonquorthon1298 days ago
DanielsonNULL1301 days ago
BichoOplease give the /fleet cmd... i am alone again1305 days ago
LoncyMchi1332 days ago
Shazihi1332 days ago
Winlogon.batdamn thats some news for all of us1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
xijinpingIA BEST1335 days ago
Gamer30{FF00FF}JP21337 days ago
Quorthonyes1362 days ago
CzechBoy777Chairman is Great, and you are Weird1412 days ago
CzechBoy777NULL1412 days ago
angin_timorthank you Lufthansa 1424 days ago
chairMANmaoNULL1440 days ago
HardStone{F26B8A}Blyat1440 days ago
DavidThank you for Flying Lufthansa!1442 days ago
David{0033CC}Thank you for Flying Lufthansa!1442 days ago
DavidThank you for Flying Lufthansa!1442 days ago
David{0033CC}Thank you for Flying Lufthansa!1442 days ago
DavidThank you for Flying Lufthansa!1442 days ago
David{0033CC}Thank you for Flying Lufthansa!1442 days ago
DavidThank you for Flying Lufthansa!1442 days ago
David{0033CC}Thank you for Flying Lufthansa!1442 days ago
DavidThank you for Flying Lufthansa!1442 days ago
David{0033CC}Thank you for Flying Lufthansa!1442 days ago
DavidThank you for Flying Lufthansa!1442 days ago
David{0033CC}Thank you for Flying Lufthansa!1442 days ago
DavidThank you for Flying Lufthansa!1442 days ago
David{0033CC}Thank you for Flying Lufthansa!1442 days ago
David{FFFFFF}Thank you for Flying Lufthansa!1442 days ago
Jangor_Maklushey there1446 days ago
Hehe_Boiihaha1450 days ago
KizuleHello :)1461 days ago
ChairmanMaokurwa1464 days ago
HardStone{FF2244}win{FF4422}gay1484 days ago
Winlogon.batSodium Chloride1493 days ago
Gamer30{ff0000}Tube {ffff00} Stan + Radoo = Stadoo1493 days ago
BuranCzechhue1502 days ago
Fyreleh1504 days ago
Winlogon.batshit1512 days ago
fantaaa_hello :> 1516 days ago
CheesyGarlicBreadHello guys! We've got a gate now1523 days ago
KylieJennerhello1535 days ago
Gamer30OMG Stan1539 days ago
fabiaNeL.pp1541 days ago
fabiaNeL.#ff0000 test1541 days ago
Gamer30STAN!1545 days ago
JulseC1559 days ago
fantaaa_Wassap guys :D ? <31564 days ago
Gamer30{ff00ff}Magenta1565 days ago
Gamer30{8000ff}Lol1565 days ago
Gamer30{0000ff}L{0000ef}u{0000df}f{0000cf}t{0000bf}h{0000af}a{00009f}n{00008f}s{00007f}a1573 days ago
Gamer30{808000}Wut?1573 days ago
Gamer30{ff0000}R{ff8000}A{ffff00}S{80ff00}T{00ff00}A1586 days ago
Gamer30{ffff00}Rob{0000ff}lox1586 days ago
Gamer30{ff0000}o{ffff00}o{00ff00}f1595 days ago
Stan01670 days ago
StanNULL1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
StanNULL1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
StanNULL1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Stan,1670 days ago
Stan.1670 days ago
Gamer3020 XI 2019: Welcome again.1710 days ago
DJCAYZCan I have staff please?1716 days ago
August:>)1760 days ago
kiskiralylanyBuy Tug pls, I donated again1761 days ago
kiskiralylanydonated1783 days ago
Ar3zz..wattup1819 days ago
AugustServiced the {ff0000}tazi1831 days ago
JulseCHello guys. i miss you :/1835 days ago
kiskiralylanyService our taxi, guys, i'l donate1847 days ago
Gamer3001 VII 2019: Welcome back!1852 days ago
Augusts1871 days ago
Augustam a staff now!! bitche1871 days ago
Augustdamn1871 days ago
JulseCHey Stan. im back :D 1902 days ago
Gamer3016 IV 2019: I actually forgot about this board.1929 days ago
knifei submitted here2050 days ago
JulseCEy guys! Are you all dead?2067 days ago
JulseCMy salary increasement has already been accepted :( but still non2082 days ago
YourGodKilledYouPlease guys may i join Lufthansa2085 days ago
JulseCey2112 days ago
Abd.Leaving 4 gulf air guys :D GG to u!2114 days ago
AugustYes, buy me one too.2114 days ago
AlgebraCalculusBuy me a House , Stan2121 days ago
Amine26nvm just a prank from aaron2260 days ago
Amine26NULL2260 days ago
Amine26hey a great news JetStar is away ffrom bota we are in the 3rd place2260 days ago
Amine26come on you lazy bones WORK ya dead bones2270 days ago
Augustus.hmm2276 days ago
Amine26well.. the bota has began we need to work hard guyes make the airline at the best class2280 days ago
Amine26hey when that skimmer event start i wanna participate2288 days ago
Augustus.DAFUCK... Just completed resetting everyone's salary..2291 days ago
guderian69sorry for not online for a while. because my gta is broke2299 days ago
guderian69if i not online for a time. i've much work and just can play at just the weekend2303 days ago
Amine26hey there is a hydra broken here need to be serviced2310 days ago
Meap01Going to be going on holiday for the next week and a half or so, so i wont be on till i return2317 days ago
Gamer30{ffff00}Welcome! {007fff}Prepare for next event!2323 days ago
August{ff0000}HELLO!2385 days ago
Al_NahianI want work. Please give me some work2397 days ago
Lieutnant_JhonsonHello im Davis Jhonson can you accept me please ? 2428 days ago
Chocolateplease accept me2440 days ago
Gamer30~r~Test2456 days ago
Gamer30turn on engine.2457 days ago
Gamer30If you see broken plane, sit in it anyway and try to turn on engine.2457 days ago
fgjordySomebody forgot to service one of the Shamals, its now broken on the tarmac of Base2474 days ago
Charlie_CharmsPLS! Donate for airline for small cargo plane and stunt plane2480 days ago
Gamer30{000000}It's sad what happened to server.2481 days ago
Charlie_Charmsaccep my application that i am submitting2482 days ago
Gamer30{800000}Come on! Join AT-400 event now!2485 days ago
Gamer30{008000}Hello! {007fff}For news, please go to our forum board!2485 days ago
DJCAYZServiced the Dodo and donated 70k :)2491 days ago
BichoO{FF0000}AT400 broken :(2494 days ago
Gamer30{ffff00}Did you checked out new AT-400 event?2495 days ago
TheRadioactive4{FFFF00} UGHHHH {00FF00} MEMES2496 days ago
fantaaa_SUP GUYSSSS2497 days ago
frecylooks like 1 nevada is down too2499 days ago
frecy23 day update. 3 planes 500 odo, fix asap2499 days ago
Gamer30Hello everyone. Don't forget check out our forum board!2501 days ago
Protectortrygfyh2501 days ago
Protectordfggf2501 days ago
TheRadioactive4{FF0000} test2506 days ago
TheRadioactive4work work workkkkk2506 days ago
TheRadioactive4Here come dat boi. O shit waddup2508 days ago
fantaaa_HELLO GUYS :D2510 days ago
Gamer3032 AOTDs in a row2524 days ago
Gamer3022 AOTDs in a row2524 days ago
shiv{ff00ff}meme2537 days ago
Matias_Dibolahi2540 days ago
Satan72575 days ago
SatanYeah pretty much.2575 days ago
Gamer30That's going bad.2582 days ago
SatanNULL2583 days ago
SatanNULL2587 days ago
Satan:D my laptop's broken so Im a bit inactive2587 days ago
Gamer30Great! We got over 10 AOTD!2589 days ago
c56edfrqI need money for my family and my 19 childrens2590 days ago
Satan:P work work work xdd2591 days ago
Gamer30How it looks now?2591 days ago
Bob_McLovenI pimped out our baggage2593 days ago
SatanNothing.2595 days ago
Gamer30What happened?2597 days ago
SatanYep.2601 days ago
Gamer30My old messages are still here! :)2601 days ago
SatanHello2604 days ago
Gamer30Hello everyone!2607 days ago
AlexandraNULL2899 days ago
Alexandrapasali naman po dito2899 days ago
Gamer30Two broken Mavericks - please repair2978 days ago
Gamer30Service Maverick - almost broken2979 days ago
Gamer30Refuel AT-4002992 days ago
CrisstiaNNhy3003 days ago
litter23NULL3009 days ago
litter23broken nevada please fix3012 days ago
AugustusA broken hydra found3015 days ago
AugustusA broken dodo found. Please repair it.3019 days ago
Mark_ZhuNULL3020 days ago
Santiagohi3021 days ago
luka321I would like to apply for job3021 days ago
HasanRashidhi i am prouge to a member of the community3023 days ago
[MG]VitaleI'm Vitale I want to Join at this i'm at good job thats all..3028 days ago
shooterall hail the mighty shooter for donating 20m3043 days ago
TBJZLpls i need to join for your airline3044 days ago
TommehI`m going to japan and i`ll be back i 10 days. cya3103 days ago
TommehNULL3103 days ago
Haydz.19931 days ago