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Player Statistics - AlgisEco's Overview

DonatorYes (Level 2)
Nevada LicenseNo
Shamal LicenseYes
Dodo LicenseYes
Maverick LicenseYes
Country Lithuania
Shamal Missions:500 / 5039 - 10% mission share
Rescue Missions:5 / 5039 - 0% mission share
Cargo Missions:509 / 5039 - 10% mission share
Helicopter Missions:152 / 5039 - 3% mission share
AT400 Missions:8 / 5039 - 0% mission share
Dodo Missions:173 / 5039 - 3% mission share
Miltary Missions:934 / 5039 - 19% mission share
Cargo Drop:1337 / 5039 - 27% mission share
Skimmer Missions:4 / 5039 - 0% mission share
Trucking Missions:1340 / 5039 - 27% mission share
Courier Deliverys:77 / 5039 - 2% mission share
Total Missions Completed:5039 / 5039 - 100% mission share
Last Connected37 Months Ago
Online Time: Hours, Minutes.
POTD Wins:620
Average Satisfaction:99

Player Houses

OwnerLocationPriceSlotsLast Visit

Player Vehicles

VehicleLocationMax SpeedPriceLast Visit

Player Achievements

Completed a total of 500 Shamal missions.
Completed a total of 500 Cargo deliverys.
Completed a total of 500 Military missions.
Completed a total of 500 Cargo drops.
Completed a total of 1000 Cargo drops.