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First Flight Sargeant

557 / 800

Senior Flight Officer

Your 15 latest Flights

IDLoad LocationUnload LocationFlight DurationDistance TravelledFlight PaymentPassengersSatisfaction
1 Las Barrancas Airport The Needle, LS 6 hours 13 minutes 3760 Metres $8848 --
2 Island of Industry Fort Carson Gate 1 2 hours 36 minutes 6667 Metres $18133 11100
3 Montgomery Airport Gate 1 Island of Industry 2 hours 45 minutes 8027 Metres $22480 12100
4 Watson Island Gate 2 Montgomery Airport Gate 1 2 hours 0 minutes 3789 Metres $14470 8100
5 Las Barrancas Airport Gate 1 Watson Island Gate 2 3 hours 36 minutes 3980 Metres $14783 10100

Assets - Vehicle Transactions

Bought Uranus $180000 156 KM/H
Bought Pizzaboy $130000 140 KM/H
Bought Uranus $180000 156 KM/H
Bought NRG-500 $140000 200 KM/H
Bought FBI Rancher $700000 157 KM/H
Bought Patriot $400000 156 KM/H

Assets - House Transactions

Bought El Quebrados $2000000 2
Sold Dean Island $937500 2
Bought Dean Island $1250000 2
Sold Paradiso $600000 1
Bought Paradiso $800000 1
Sold Las Payasadas $300000 2
Sold Julius Thruway East $300000 8
Bought Julius Thruway East $400000 8
Bought Las Payasadas $400000 2