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TwistedMind's Flight Log - All Time

IDLoad LocationUnload LocationFlight DurationDistance TravelledFlight PaymentPassengersSatisfaction
1 Los Santos Gate 3 Las Venturas Gate 1 4 hours 28 minutes 3913 Metres $20395
2 Las Venturas Gate 1 San Fierro Gate 3 2 hours 17 minutes 3414 Metres $18091
3 San Fierro Gate 1 Island of Industry 4 hours 12 minutes 5744 Metres $24666
4 Island of Industry Las Venturas Gate 1 4 hours 6 minutes 8212 Metres $29220
5 Las Venturas Gate 1 San Andreas Spaceport 3 hours 21 minutes 5993 Metres $21113
6 San Andreas Spaceport Longe Island Gate F 4 hours 19 minutes 13630 Metres $38600
7 Longe Island Gate E Kennedy Space Center Gate 1 3 hours 19 minutes 7512 Metres $25532