Author Topic: Rules.  (Read 33588 times)

Offline Haydz

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« on: May 31, 2011, 12:05:09 PM »
Official Pilot's Life Rules

Not knowing a rule doesn't absolve you of a punishment.

If you find your self banned and disagree, make a screenshot {F8} and present your best evidence in an Appeal post in the Ban Appeals section.
DO NOT create a new account or obtain a new IP in order to log in again. This is Ban Evasion and will result in your current ban being greatly lengthened or made permanent.

A: General Rules

 1. Use common sense at all times. If you're unsure if you're allowed to do something always ask an admin first. If none are available, search the forum for an answer or post your questions. Do not risk taking action until you have your answer.
 2. Anything an admin says is considered a rule. If they tell you to do something do it. Conversely, if an admin tells you not to do something do not do it.
 3. Do not message staff without a valid reason. If they say they are busy they are : Do not message them back. If you keep annoying them while they're trying to do their job you will be punished.
4. Playing the server using SA-MP Mobile is not supported. Ricardo can ban you, and you will not be unbanned.
5. Advertising other SAMP/MTA servers in any form is strictly prohibited. 
   - via: mainchat, /pm, /ad, forum post, forum signature, etc.
   - using: IP, server name, website, etc.
(If you get banned accidentally by the Anti-Cheat for Server Ad., immediately make a screenshot {F8} for your ban appeal.)

B: Hacks, Bugs and Technical Rules

 1. Hackers/Cheaters/Trolls are not welcome on this server. If you get banned for this you will not be unbanned.
 2. You take responsibility for your own account and connection. If your mate/family member has entered your account and disobeyed the rules you will still be punished. Make sure you keep your password safe and secure to avoid this happening. If another family member or friend uses your account and you find yourself banned you will still remain banned. If you share your IP or internet connection with another player and they are banned, you may find yourself unable to connect due to their ban.
 3. Bug abuse in any form is not allowed. If you're found exploiting a server bug, be it a known bug or otherwise, and have not reported it you will find yourself banned.
 4. Creating multiple accounts or "Multiaccounting" for any reason, including but not limited to the retention of assets or ban evasion, is strictly forbidden. Players with multiple accounts will find their assets removed and possibly further punishment including long term bans.
 5. Players are not allowed to use ELM (Emergency Lights Mod) until further notice. Users automatically banned for this will not be unbanned.
 6. Attempting to login to RCON (even as a joke) is an offense and exposes the player to a ban. Users automatically banned for this will not be unbanned.
C: Piloting and General Gameplay

 1. Deathmatching and player killing is NOT allowed. This includes circumstances such as revenge killing or if your attack was accidental. This rule is only excluded in the Dogfight arena and during special events.
 2. No ruthless flying or ramming. Landing on taxiways is tolerated but if you're causing danger to another aircraft which is taxing you will be punished.
 3. Don't go away from keyboard (AFK) while on a mission checkpoint, helipad or runway. When going AFK taxi to a quiet unoccupied area. Offenders will be kicked and multiple offences will result in more than a kick.
 4. Aircraft have right of way in airports at all times. Driving inside the airports is allowed but avoid driving on runways if possible. Do not obstruct or interfere with air or ground traffic.
 5. Mission Farming. Mission Farming is defined as the use of available in-game commands to manipulate the job you are assigned, to reap a high reward. Mission farming can take the form of /s and /w to get shorter missions, teleporting or respawning to your airline base, company base, etc, or parking your aircraft and Journey (for VIP3s) at an airport that's at a far distance for higher pays, is not allowed, and is bannable
 6. Use of any modifications that provide unfair advantage, such as Autopilot or the VTOL Beagle, are forbidden. If you are unsure if a mod is allowed, post a link in the Mods section.
 7. Players are not allowed to work in a formation by themselves. If you are caught doing so you will receive a minimum 14 day ban.
  8. Using a vehicle that is not the one you started working with is not allowed, as some vehicles are faster than others giving an unfair advantage, especially for Courier, and Pizzaboy Class work

D: Chat and Social Behavior

 1. Flooding or spamming the chat for any reason is unacceptable.
 2. Claiming that you're a staff member when you're not apart of the server team is expressly forbidden. Any attempt to impersonate a staff member will result in a ban.
 3. Personal abuse of other players is not allowed. This includes but is not limited to verbal abuse, racism, sexism, nationalistic or homophobic/transphobic slurs, player stalking or anything else that could be considered seriously offensive. This game is rated 18+ by PEGI and ESRB so you should expect to encounter crude language, adult humor and the occasional insult, but harassment and abuse will not be tolerated. TLDR: Don't be a dick.
 4. If you're trying to sell a house, vehicle or other asset use the /ad command.
 5. There must be 10 minute delays between two advertisements for private assets, airlines or companies. It is okay if multiple persons /ad for an airline or company as long as they all obey the 10m rule.
 6. Observe proper and limited use of /ad, /me, @ radio and other chat commands. Abuse may result in being muted, kicked or banned.
 7. Use of ALL CAPS in chat is strongly discouraged and may result in your capslock being disabled or worse.
 8. Begging for money is not allowed.
 9. Making /q jokes or otherwise tricking players into misusing commands is not allowed.

E: Money, Taxes, Contracts and Assets

 1. You may purchase one (1) private vehicle without owning a house. You can own as many vehicles as your slot count.
 2. You may purchase up to two (2) houses when you reach 100 score, three (3) if you are VIP2, and four (4) if you are a PL Sponsor. Each additional slot in the houses allows you to own another vehicle. This includes the free car slot you are given. Eg: If you own a 5 slot house, you can own 6 cars.
 3. Scamming and fraud of any kind is not allowed. All legal contracts between players are binding and may be enforced given proof of the agreement such as a screenshot. Any attempt at scamming will result in a long term or permanent ban from the server. Caveat Emptor: scammed assets will not be refunded.
 4. Use of /givecash to avoid taxes when selling/buying a house is considered Tax Evasion and is punishable with a long term ban.
 5. Trading in-game money for real money or valuables (or vice versa) is strictly prohibited. Players caught exchanging (or attempting to exchange) money will receive a ban of at least 14 days. (Donating for other players is still allowed, so VIP businesses remain legal.)
 6. Only players above 1000 score are allowed to sell VIP donations in-game or set up VIP businesses.
 7. Not more than 10 vehicles may be set for sale at once, and no vehicles may be set for sale above the new dealership price. Such vehicles will be clamped and offending players may be punished or banned depending on the severity or continuance of the offence. Rare vehicles without a server price continue to be exempt from this price limiting.
 8. Interest farming. Interest farming is where a player uses in-game features or other external methods to bypass the automatic AFK system, tricking the system that they are "playing" is not allowed. This can lead to a 14-day ban, or longer if you are a repeat offender.
 9. Attempting to buy an inactive/banned player's house at the server's price by waiting at the house for it to revert ownership back to the server, commonly known as 'House Camping', is prohibited and will result in a ban of at least 14 days.
10. After 14 days inactivity, you will be kicked from your airline and/or company and your houses and vehicles will be sold back to the server at 75% of their original server price. This refund will be sent to you via the /messages menu.
11. Ownership of an airline or company is a privilege and may be withdrawn at any time. If the owner of an airline or company goes inactive, the remaining CEOs may retain full control. If no CEOs remain active or if membership declines, the airline or company may be subject to deletion.

F: Parking

 1. When buying a new vehicle, always remember to /park in a safe place. Vehicles found unparked on a dealer spawn point will be clamped.
 2. Players are not allowed to park their vehicles on the sidewalk (footpath) so as to prevent them from unintentionally blocking the road. Offenders will find their vehicles clamped.
 3. Airlines and companies are not allowed for any reason to park their vehicles either temporarily or permanently outside of their respective bases.
 4. Personal vehicles may be parked at public airports providing that they do not obstruct ground traffic. Please despawn them via /mycars when not in use.

G: Forum Rules

 1. By posting on the Pilot's Life's forum, you accept to follow its rules.
 2. Any forum users with the required forum rights are allowed to remove, edit or move your post without telling you.
 3. Posting porn, piracy links, links that reward you in cash or anything which is illegal or considered spam is NOT allowed. Doing so will result in a permanent ban.
 4. Avoid bumping topics. Topics may be bumped after a while but only if they require attention. If you bump your topic after 5 minutes or any other short period of time your topic will be deleted.
 5. Do not double post. Use the edit feature instead.
 6. Do not post on others threads when it's not needed. (Ban Appeals/Reports/etc.) Posting on another players topic and not providing any other details will result in a forum ban. This includes things like "you should be refunded" or "this report seems legit".
 7. Do not PM server staff asking them to look at a map request/ban appeal/report or anything similar to that. They will check it in due course when they have the time.
 8. Businesses or role play groups that do not form an official server group (that are not on the list in /companies or /airlines) may not ask for donations.
 9. Player-created groups (i.e Airlines, Companies, Businesses, Roleplay Groups) are not allowed to copy other groups's post formats. Topics bearing over-similarity with another group's will be deleted and the author punished at admin's discretion.
10. Topics about your airline belong in your board. If your airline does not yet have a board, your airline should not have any topics on the forums other than a board request once the requirement of two weeks has been met.
11. The Pilot's Life forum is not a chat room. Creating topics to use the forums as described above will be removed and a forum warning will be issued. If you wish to communicate with other players, use the personal messaging system or use a chat service such as Skype, Facebook, etc.
12. All players must fill in the In-Game Name field of their forum profile. To do so, go to your profile tab > forum profile > in-game name. Players found without in-game names and/or with outdated in-game names will be reasonably punished.
13. Your signature may contain only one big image and may not exceed the size of 150x700 pixels. If it exceeds this size, the signature will be deleted by an administrator and you might receive a forum warning. Multiple forum warnings might result in a temporary or permanent forum ban.
14. Some boards have specific posting format. Be sure to familiarize yourself with those before posting or your post may be locked or deleted.

2013.03.28 - Added money trade rule. Updated house owning rule (VIP2: 3 houses max) - GeriBoss
2013.03.30 - Added mission farming rule. - Andrew
2013.04.01 - Added webchat usage rule - Apollo
2013.04.07 - Added server advertising rule - GeriBoss
2013.09.29 - Added piracy and cash links rule. - Crystal
2013.11.23 - Added player-created groups forum rules. - Apollo
2014.01.21 - Added in-game VIP sales rules. - JB
2014.01.26 - Added in-game rule against the usage of ELM. - Knight
2014.02.13 - Added in-game rule about abusing the name changing system. - Knight
2014.03.12 - Added forum rule about airline topics. -Crystal
2014.03.26 - Added forum rule about "chat room" style topics -Meissenhower
2014.03.28 - Added in-game rule about vehicle parking at Wangs. - Pandemonium
2014.03.29 - Added in-game rule about overpriced vehicles set for sale. - JB
2014.06.07 - Added in-game rule about abusing the lost cargo bug - Zach
2014.06.27 - Added in-game parking rule - Knight
2014.07.01 - Added RCON rule - Andrew
2014.11.28 - Added expanded in-game rule about prices and vehicles set for sale. - SK
2015.08.08 - Changed the rules page so that they are shown in numerical orders and not bullet points. - Malo
2015.10.21 - Added house camping rule. Fixed grammar and sentence structure - Apollo
2016.06.02 - Added In-Game Name forum profile rule. - Knight, SK
2017.01.29 - Rule list language and numeration updated. - SK
2019.11.07 - Added rule about using different vehicles to complete a job. - shiv
2020.01.12 - Modified the wording of "Mission Farming" rule. - shiv (01.31- grammar update)
2020.01.13 - Modified rule of car ownership. - shiv
2020.01.19 - Modified interest farming. - shiv
2022.03.04 - Added sa-mp mobil rule - TG

« Last Edit: March 04, 2022, 06:24:54 PM by thegamer355 »
Check out for all your object / vehicle converting needs.

Offline Lockheed

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Re: Rules.
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2012, 07:23:05 PM »
Trouting peoples' forum signatures resulted in some confusion today. I couldn't find the topic about the rule regarding forum signatures anymore, so I have updated this topic with the rules regarding signatures. Please obey the rule or a punishment might be given.

This rule has been added as of two minutes ago:

Your signature may contain only one big image and may not exceed the size of 150x700 pixels. If it exceeds this size, the signature will be deleted by an administrator and you might receive a forum warning. Multiple forum warnings might result in a temporary or permanent forum ban.
Jingle bells, Airbus smells, Lockheed all the way, blasting high, through the sky, at - mach - 3 - point - 5 - hey!
I live for databases, programming, mathematics and whiskey.

Offline GeriBoss

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« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2013, 11:44:20 AM »
Dear players,

A new rule has been added:

Trading in-game money for real money (or vice versa) is strictly prohibited. Players caught exchanging (or attempting to exchange) money will receive a ban of at least 14 days. (Donating for other players is still allowed, so VIP businesses remain legal.)

Admin Team

(Edited to include VIP businesses)
« Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 12:48:56 PM by GeriBoss »
Retired PL Admin - Youtube
Note: I'm not reading this forum anymore, if you want to contact me, send an email: (spam-proof forwarding address ;D).
(I'm not an admin any more, please contact the PL admin staff if you have a problem. Thank you.)

Offline Andrew

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Re: Rules.
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2013, 02:44:34 PM »
Dear players,

A new rule has been added:

Mission farming is considered as cheating and unfair, and may result in a warn or a short term ban.

(Information about mission farming here.)

Admin Team
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 04:40:06 PM by GeriBoss »

"Life gets hard, but so do penises and you don't see them bitch" ~ Crystal, Administrator ;D

Offline Apollo

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Re: Rules.
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2013, 11:16:39 PM »
Dear players,

Some of you might have noticed the new website chat feature (
We'd like to remind you that all ingame chat rules apply on the website chat , that means no spamming, no caps, no racial slurs or antagonising other players.


The Administrator's team.

Offline Apollo

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Re: Rules.
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2013, 08:01:35 PM »
Dear players,

Two new rules have been added :

Businesses or role play groups that do not form an official server group (that are not on the list in /companies or /airlines) may not ask for donations.

Player-created groups (i.e Airlines, Companies, Businesses, Roleplay Groups) are not allowed to copy other groups's post formats. Topics bearing over-similarity with another group's will be deleted and the author punished at admin's discretion.


The Administrators Team
« Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 10:56:06 PM by Apollo »

Offline Khazz

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Re: Rules.
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2013, 11:35:55 AM »
Dear Players

A new rule has been added:

Players are not allowed to work in a formation by themselves if you are caught doing so you will receive a 90 day ban minimum of 14 days ban


The Administrators Team
« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 12:05:51 AM by AaronFarley »

Offline Jailbreak

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Re: Rules.
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2014, 02:07:09 PM »
Dear Players

A new rule has been added:

Only players above 1000 score are allowed to sell VIP in-game. Existing transactions for business owners below 1000 score are to fulfill the current transactions and wait until 1000 score to resume business.

This is to prevent cases of low-score players scamming other players over VIP status

The Administrators Team
Serbian, I know why everyone found your FB. Ask Apollo.

Offline Knight

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Re: Rules.
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2014, 07:27:18 PM »
Dear Players

A new rule has been added:

Players are not allowed to use ELM(Emergency Lights Mod) until further notice.
This is to prevent the abusing of a bug which makes broken vehicle drivable while using ELM. Anyone caught abusing this bug will be banned for 90 days.


The Administrators Team
Real Madrid Club de Fútbol - Estd. 1902 : el mejor equipo del mundo

Historia que tú hiciste, Historia por hacer. Hasta el final, Vamos Real!
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Offline Knight

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Re: Rules.
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2014, 03:53:39 PM »
Dear Players

A new rule has been added:

Players are not allowed to PM the server staff for changing their name before the set tenure of 90 days. Players can only use /requestname if they need a name change. Anyone found violating and abusing the name change criteria will have their name reset to the previous name and will be banned for 30 days.

P.S. An exception to the current rule will be made in case of bugs.


The Administrators Team
« Last Edit: March 21, 2020, 05:23:19 PM by Sursai_Kosecksi »
Real Madrid Club de Fútbol - Estd. 1902 : el mejor equipo del mundo

Historia que tú hiciste, Historia por hacer. Hasta el final, Vamos Real!
Win, lose or tie.. Madridista till I die.

Offline Jailbreak

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Re: Rules.
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2014, 04:41:04 PM »
Dear Players

A new rule has been added:

Players caught setting overpriced vehicles for the sake of preventing the vehicles from despawning for invalid reasons will find their vehicle clamped.


The Administrators Team
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 08:35:03 PM by Apollo »
Serbian, I know why everyone found your FB. Ask Apollo.

Offline Knight

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Re: Rules.
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2014, 09:50:42 PM »
Dear Players

A new rule has been added:

Players are not allowed to park their vehicles on the sidewalk or footpath as they generally rollover to the road mostly because of being rammed by some other player thus blocking the road and creating a mess. Players who fail to comply by the above said rule will find their vehicle clamped on spot without any prior warning.


The Administrators Team
Real Madrid Club de Fútbol - Estd. 1902 : el mejor equipo del mundo

Historia que tú hiciste, Historia por hacer. Hasta el final, Vamos Real!
Win, lose or tie.. Madridista till I die.

Offline Andrew

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Re: Rules.
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2014, 09:48:31 AM »
Dear Players

A new rule has been added:

Any jokes made or attempts of trying to log in to the RCON will ban you from the server. If you use it and get banned, there will not be any second chances and your ban will stay.


The Administrator's Team

"Life gets hard, but so do penises and you don't see them bitch" ~ Crystal, Administrator ;D

Offline Aaron

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Re: Rules.
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2014, 02:51:29 PM »
Dear players.

The Administration team has recently become aware that a small minority of players find it amusing to get themselves banned by abusing Grand Theft Auto bugs, In Game Known Bugs or VIP commands. Any player caught doing this will not be unbanned and will have to serve either the default time or at each Administrator's discretion.

Kind Regards,

The Administrator's Team

« Last Edit: November 02, 2014, 03:36:16 PM by Apollo »
I am still watching ♥
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Offline Sursai_Kosecksi

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Re: Rules.
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2014, 07:17:19 PM »
Dear Players

A new rule has been added:

Players caught setting overpriced vehicles for the sake of preventing the vehicles from despawning for invalid reasons will find their vehicle clamped.

As many of you have chosen to disregard this rule, we are forced to tighten it.

Players may now only have up to 10 vehicles for sale at one time. Vehicles may not be placed for sale above the server dealers price, regardless of modifications or the cost thereof. Players who place vehicles for sale over the server dealer new price and/or place more than 10 vehicles for sale at one time will have their vehicles clamped and/or may be punished or banned depending on the severity or continuance of the offence. Rare vehicles without a server price continue to be exempt from this price limiting.

For ease of reference, this will be known as the Black Friday Rule.


The Administrators Team

11.12.2014 - Rule language modified for clarity.
11.13.2014 - Rule is now scripted as a server-side limit
                    For more info, see next post:
« Last Edit: December 13, 2014, 07:42:56 PM by Sursai_Kosecksi »